Kelly's Cakes

Several years ago, I took a basic cake decorating class. Since then, I've had a terrific time making a variety of different cakes for friends and family. My sister said I should start a blog to share the many pictures I've accumulated. Blog? What's Blog? So here we go.....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I've heard from several members of my family today (you know who you are). After reviewing my new blog, they want to know when the good cakes are coming. First I say, they are all good (you brats). But they want the more recent cakes. I did a wedding cake for the first time in April. Last week I did a cake that looked like a pirate ship for a 4-year old's birthday party. The answer is....PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. Right, mom?

The cakes are coming, the cakes are coming!!!!


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